Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Cycle Week 0

Even before the glut of Pizza Express I consumed today, I was thinking that I should perhaps prepare for the whole 'bike to work' thing.

It's been awhile since I've really exercised (hmm, I can remember trying to get fit before going on holiday... in May) and very sadly, I found myself huffing and puffing on the very slight inclines in town today as I shopped for something to wear on Friday night (Leaving Do - mine).

Starting a new job equals a great chance to start something new - for me, this blog, which includes, among other things, cycling to work. Plus my new employer does that Cycle Scheme thing so I can get a better bike for less and pay for it monthly. Or something. (I'm thinking about getting one of those retro styled Dutch bikes with a basket on the front. Oh sorry - a pannier as I understand they are actually called :-) but more about this in another post.)

Over Pizza Express (dough balls, garlic bread, 2 pizzas [one had salad in the middle and I'm assured by the menu it was only approximately 500 calories] and raspberry gelato. And a beer.) my partner Steven told me about his conversation with biking-guru Darren earlier in the day.

Darren has a road bike and takes cycling holidays. And does 35-40 miles on a leisurely weekend ride. (hurl) His friend Colin cycles to work and does 7ish miles (my trip is probably 6) and it takes him about 25 minutes. But he's been doing it for 25 years. And you can guarantee he's one of those guys with the padded shorts and hi-vis vests on who is well into getting there quicker than the cars. I intend to breeze into my new job fresh-faced and glowing. Oh and I'm going be wearing a skirt and heels. So I'm thinking: a) it's going to take me longer than the 30 minutes I was planning on and b) I'm going to need to get into shape before this venture even starts if I'm going to be able to make it up any hills. (And there are a few.) Particularly if I'm not going to break a sweat.

SO. Until I get my bike and start the adventure for real, I'm committing to exercise 3.. no 4! times a week. This is something I found awhile ago and I really love it because it's quick (10 minutes), makes you work hard (well, it's hard for me) and you can feel yourself getting better at it because better equals less stopping:


Coach Nicole's 10 Minute Workout makes me giggle (I hate American accents) and happily I don't even have to look like an idiot in my back garden as I have enough open space to do this inside. I promise you (and I promise me) that Coach Nicole and I are going to get skipping 4 times between now and next Wednesday. But not right now as I'm still bloated from my dough balls.

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